Veggie Corn Raita Recipe

  • Cauliflower
  • green peas
  • boiled potatoes
  • onion
  • boiled sweet corn
  • carrots
  • french beans
  • strained curd
  • sugar and salt as per taste
  • green chilly
  • curry leaves
  • mustard seeds
  • cooking oil
How to make Veggie Corn Raita :
  1. Cut all the vegetabels in big pieces and boil and strain them and keep aside.
  2. heat some oil in a pan and add mustard seeds curry leaves and greenchilly in to it after it heats up add the strained curd in it & then add salt & sugar to taste.
  3. Then add all the boiled vegetabels into it.
  4. Garnish with finelychopped coriander leaves.
  5. This can also beeaten as a vegetale dish with chapatti & it is a low calorie healthy nutritious food.